Some of the Standard Features


Mobile Friendly Websites

Majority of the traffic that comes in today is from Mobile, hence it is imperative that Website should be responsive. All Websites we develop are responsive & compatible with all the screens like iPad, Tablets and Mobiles.


Secured Websites

Secured websites lead to trust as users are vary of dealing on non-secured websites. All necessary norms and standards for keeping website secure are followed. Additional layers can be introduced case by case basis.


User Friendly Admin Panel

User Friendly Admin panel which can be operated even by a non-technical person for day to day operations. We provide full documentation of Admin panel along with a training session.


User Friendly Navigation

Simple easy to use Navigation leads to better stickiness and more user engagement on site. One of key areas which also comes under UI/UX for optimum user experience is dealt with precision.


Faster Loading Time

Fast loading website is a clear mandate as slow loading websites invariably result in higher bounce rates and ultimately leading to loss of customers. We always optimize on making a fast loading website.


Browser Compatibility

Another key element from website development perspective is browser compatibility. We ensure browser compatibility, and 99% same experience is delivered across various browsers like IE, chrome, Firefox, and safari.

Our Development Work Flow

Seek information

All the requirement gathering is done by mutual dialogue with client and understanding the project in detail. Once the Project deliverables are finalized, we give the estimate for budget and timelines for the same.

Design of a Website

Once the discovery solution is finalized, we then work on prototype and present this to the client, which gives glimpse of UI/UX to the client along with the user journey flow. Depending on the feedback and if changes required, the same are incorporated before we get the approval and move to next stage.

Website Development

All the Major features of the website including the plugins (Free & Paid) & API’s are listed down. Development team makes the integration of all these in to the platform finalized by the client.

Quality & Analysis

QA testing plays important function to ensure that the product is of highest quality. To put it simply these are manual or automate techniques based on certain hypothetical scenarios to prevent issues with final product and to ensure great user experience for end customers.

Deploy & Launch

After all the tests have been passed, now it’s the time to take the site LIVE. We deploy the site on server (as per the client’s hosting) & website is now LIVE, can be accessible by anyone.


Project To Discuss

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